
Alabama Injury Law Blog


Injury Causation— The Possibility vs. Probability Dilemma

by HWC Partner Carter Clay Any attorney representing individuals injured in accidents understands that an injured person, or the plaintiff rather, has the burden of proving the essential elements of their claim. One of the essential elements of any personal injury claim is causation. There are two components to causation.…


Does My Automobile Insurance Cover My Child Away at College?

by HWC Partner Michael Eldridge Every fall, parents across Alabama celebrate the significant milestone of sending their children off to college. While our attention naturally gravitates toward matters like lodging, tuition, and class schedules, we may also ponder whether our insurance policies continue to provide coverage for our children now…


Obtaining Medical Treatment Under the Alabama Workers’ Compensation Act

by HWC Attorney Allwin E. Horn, IV One of the benefits of the Alabama Workers’ Compensation Act is that as long as an employee is injured during the line, scope and course of their employment, payment for “reasonable” and “necessary” medical treatment for life will remain the responsibility of the…


Recent Changes to Alabama’s Longstanding Dram Shop Act (Alcohol Injury Claims) & How Drunk Drivers & Retail Bars Just Won a Small Battle Over Drunk Driving Victims

by HWC Managing Partner Josh Wright The Alabama Dram Shop Act has been around since 1909, and in pertinent part, has been in place to protect “every wife, child, parent, or other person who was injured in person, property or means of support by any intoxicated person.” Many bars, restaurants,…


Alabama Declaratory Judgment Act: Some Use It. Some Abuse It.

by HWC Partner Michael Eldridge It is not uncommon for individuals and companies to face situations in which they are unsure of the potential legal ramifications that follow certain future actions or decisions. This is especially true in the context of contractual relationships. Alabama courts have long recognized a party’s…


Safer Alternative Design Proof in Defective Product Cases

by HWC Partner Carter Clay To establish the existence of a safer design, a plaintiff, typically through an expert must provide substantial evidence to show (1) that the injuries caused by the product would have been less severe or eliminated by the use of an alternative design and (2) that…


Alcohol & Drug-Related Injury Cases & the Ever-Developing Area of Toxicology Admissibility

by HWC Managing Partner Josh Wright Managing Partner Josh Wright has developed a specialty over the last 25 years in the litigation of toxicology admissibility. Long a regionally-recognized drunk driving victim’s lawyer, the issue of biologic sample admissibility has developed in the law, and Josh has been on the forefront…


Post-COVID Jury Verdicts … What’s Going On?

by HWC Managing Partner Josh Wright Post-COVID verdict averages in personal injury claims are up close to 50% from that of pre-COVID verdicts, according to recent statistics.¹ Verdicts in 2022 alone for Alabama injury victims have topped $97,000,000 in cases involving a wide array of wrongful conduct, including contract disputes,…

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